How Do I Call an Ambulance in Thailand?

Ambulance in thailand emergency

Living abroad has its share of thrills and conveniences, but people also find that many things they took for granted are different overseas. For example, what should you do in an emergency? Does calling 911 help? How (and when) should you call an ambulance – and how will you communicate with emergency responders when they arrive?

What are the emergency numbers in Thailand?

A few years ago, Thailand planned to set up a 911 emergency number – but then changed its mind and stayed with its old system. As of right now, Thailand’s general emergency numbers are as follows:

Police and general emergency – 191

Medical emergency – 1669

Fire – 199

Tourist Police – 1155

Operators at these numbers speak English and Thai. Even so, it may be preferable in a medical emergency situation to call your hospital’s emergency number directly. The hospital’s response time will be similar to that of the city’s emergency services, but by calling the hospital, emergency doctors will already be familiar with the emergency when you arrive in the ambulance. They can then begin work right away, saving precious minutes that might have otherwise been spent gathering preliminary information.

For this reason, it is worthwhile to take the time now to research which hospital you plan to use in case you need it. We recommend that you download the Luma Care app which has the locations of hospitals across Thailand and save the hospital’s contact number on your phone.

Our ultimate guide to health insurance in Thailand, looks at a range of different international hospitals across Thailand. By visiting their websites, you will be able to find their private emergency number.

If you take anything away from this article, it should be to save the following two essential numbers in your phone:

  • Medical emergency- 1669
  • Private hospital emergency number

It is tempting for many people to put off or ignore questions of medical care while they are healthy, as the world of ambulances and doctors seems separate. But none of us know when the next emergency will occur, and it is essential to be prepared. For more information about Luma and how we can help in an emergency, contact us today.

Health Insurance in Thailand

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