Thailand’s medical emergency service number: 1669
Phuket’s rescue ambulance number: 1554
Hua Hin’s local ambulance service number: 032 532 576
Samui’s rescue local ambulance number: 077 421 444
Calling the emergency number of private hospitals is a good option.
We also recommend calling the emergency number of the private hospital directly.
The leading tertiary care centres in the capital Bangkok have undoubtedly high standards of medical practice and are considered suitable for serious medical or surgical conditions. However, even though the standard of medical practice in other main cities of the country may be found acceptable with regards to international standard, serious medical illnesses or injuries are often evacuated to major medical centres in Bangkok.
Over the past decade, the cost of medical care in Thailand, which was once considered relatively affordable, has dramatically increased in large private hospitals, which could become a concern for some international travellers and tourists. Counterfeits medicines are widespread in the country including the capital.
Urgent OPD visits are usually recommended in a private hospital. For primary care concerns, expatriates mostly go to private hospitals
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