Reduce Covid-19 spread or risk of infection by getting tested at home or at the workplace.
Based on the latest protocol issued on January 4, 2022. Last update: January 17, 2022
Option 1: Self-test at home with Antigen Test Kit.
Option 2: Get tested at the hospital, via RT-PCR test or Rapid Antigen Test.
Option 3: Get tested at home with our partner Europ Assistance, via Rapid Antigen Test or RT-PCR
Please note self-purchased and performed Antigen tests are not eligible for reimbursement.
Importantly, although a positive Rapid Antigen Test is highly suggestive of Covid-19 infection, the doctor at the hospital might still require you to have a PCR test before issuing recommendations and/or treatment.
In practice we have observed some hospitels can accept patients with an ATK positive test instead of a PCR test.
Please find below a few links to register for a RT-PCR test from a hospital. Please note this list is not exhaustive.
If you have tested positive on the ATK test, please contact the National Health Security Office (NHSO) at 1330, or add Line @nhso. There will be officials to assess the symptom level.
Patients with no to mild symptoms and no other risk factors such as congenital diseases or serious chronic illnesses can undergo home isolation or community isolation, where officials will constantly check on the symptoms and provide medicine.
If the patient’s symptoms worsen during home isolation or community isolation, the officials will coordinate with the hospital so they can receive medical attention.
Patients with a positive test result with symptoms or risk factors such as underlying medical conditions are to be transferred to the hospital to receive treatment. For this case to happen, the patient has to meet the following criteria:
If you test positive for Covid-19 with no to mild symptoms, you can opt for home isolation or community isolation.
Please contact the NHSO when you test positive for Covid-19, and follow their guidelines.
Community Isolation is provided by Public Health Services for patients diagnosed with Covid-19 infection and for whom the treating doctor considers Community Isolation is appropriate and safe.
A Hospitel is the combination of hospital and hotel. This type of facility has been created to prevent the overcrowding of hospital beds during the outbreak. Hospitels are designed for people infected with Covid-19 who do not have serious symptoms and have low risk to develop complications of the Covid–19 infection. A Hospitel is always coupled with a partnered hospital to provide medical treatment.
Please note Hospitels differ from ASQ hotels (Alternative State Quarantine) that do not provide medical care.
To check into a Hospitel, you need to be prescribed your isolation at the Hospitel by a doctor.
Source: OIC’s definition of Hospitel.
In case you test negative for the ATK test but present symptoms, you are required to take another ATK test. If you present no symptoms after the test, it is still necessary to consider the risk from the past contacts.
If you have any history of close contact in high-risk areas, please self-quarantine and get tested every 3 days. If the result is positive, contact NHSO immediately.
If you do not have any history of close contact in high-risk areas, you are not required to self-quarantine. However, you are required to follow the DMHT measures, which stand for Distancing, Mask-wearing, Handwashing, and Temperature-checking.
Unfortunately, the cost for your quarantine cannot be covered. Only the expenses for medically necessary treatments can be covered.
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